作者: sayoko76 (小夜子) 看板: Shinhwa
標題: [閒聊] 120530閒聊文
時間: Wed May 30 00:08:05 2012



Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
emmawanga:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:08
readytodream:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:08
anita790110:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:08
whitefire:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!!拜託!!!切拜!!! 05/30 00:09
huieito:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:09
jackymeifan:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:09
shadowfan:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:10
yesnoon:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 拜託了!!! 05/30 00:10
CherylC: Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:10
yiching0702:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:11
joycehsu0111:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:12
judy19870613:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!!麥擱受傷了 05/30 00:12
idrilann:Do take Good Care of yourselves pleaseQQQQ 05/30 00:13
yhsuans:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 切拜!!!!小心!!!! 05/30 00:13
auty1230:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 心會痛阿真的T_T 05/30 00:13
winnietears:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:13
judy19870613:不好意思亂入一下,應該是yourselves,六隻都要好好照 05/30 00:14
judy19870613:顧自己呀T^T 05/30 00:14
yunyiing:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:15
※ 編輯: sayoko76 來自: (05/30 00:16)
yunyiing:可以當作是跟每個人都說一次T T 怎樣才會好好照顧自己\_/ 05/30 00:16
sayoko76:改啦~~~ 05/30 00:16
whitefire:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:17
cyndi40618:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:17
DOG920827:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:17
yedda1216:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 下半場才剛開始 05/30 00:17
alice032:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:19
SAKAME:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:22
dolphinnani:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:23
gina7879:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:24
wulai73:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:25
jieer:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:26
joanneaqu:Take Good Care of yourselves.Especially, ShinHyeSung 05/30 00:26
amy1904:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:29
TFGJOANNE:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:30
jocelyn75813:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 切拜!!! 05/30 00:30
rainyshin:Take Good Care of youselves. Pleasa!!! 05/30 00:30
rainyshin:打錯了...應該是    Please 05/30 00:31
obokevin:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!!不要再有受傷了 05/30 00:37
yhsuans:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 尤其某鄭和小李 05/30 00:38
ifyoucan:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 鳥媽Fighting!!! 05/30 00:40
Kangapple:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:43
tezukaizumi:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 00:45
monica16145: Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:46
elva218ch:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 00:51
yhsuans:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 還要再走好幾年 05/30 00:59
lin12321fen:Take Good Care Of Yourselves. Please 別再有傷兵了 05/30 01:00
pajiziyi:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 01:01
noreg0095680:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! OTZ.... 05/30 01:09
ric1985:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 01:15
beckytcgs:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 01:19
lulin023:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 01:44
chelsea1839:Take Good Care of yourselves.Please!Please!Please! 05/30 01:52
liwendy:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 02:03
sumirens:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 02:49
lawinsaz:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 要平安健康呀! 05/30 03:22
mimiwei955:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 03:30
nymphpin:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 真的拜託QQ 05/30 03:30
wenfly:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 08:04
whyyou:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 拜託惹!!!! 05/30 08:16
shamrock0402:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 切拜!!! 05/30 08:36
Agassi429:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!別再受傷了拜託 05/30 09:18
avatakki:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 09:36
vivih:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!! 傷兵麻煩都安份點~ 05/30 09:37
wisjo:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 10:22
candice1334:Take Good Care of yourself. Please!!! 05/30 10:52
snowya:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 11:24
yiwyow:Take Good Care of yourselves. Please!!! 05/30 11:28
selenasky:今天閒聊文不會都這句吧,那就變集氣文,不是閒聊文了 05/30 12:07


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